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Local Parish Programs

"That Man Is You!" wants of all ages, single, married, fathers, grandfathers!

That Man is You! is rated as one of the most life-transforming programs ever studied.   This program has resulted in transformations in marriage, family life, balancing work demands, and greater participation in parish life.

Here in Medicine Hat, we are quickly approaching our 10th season of TMIY.   This year we are at St. Patrick's parish hall every Saturday morning starting Sept 25.  Coffee is ready at 8:00 am and the one-hour program starts at 8:30.

I personally have found the last couple of years' programs very powerful which have helped me to deeper recognize: the truth and joy of my Catholic faith, a greater appreciation and love for Christ's real presence in the Holy Eucharist, and the current spiritual battle we face today.  I know an investment of some time each week will have a positive joyful impact on your life and those around you so I encourage you to come, taste, and see.  I recommend you give it a try for 4 or 5 sessions (at no cost to you) to decide if the program could change your life for the better.

Fabian Delwo